AAA’s Coaching Booklets

The BAAB Booklets with their bright covers and many illustrations were welcomed by clubs and coaches all over the United Kingdom – nowhere more so than in Scotland but they followed the pattern of the AAA’s publications which were produced in the period of post-war austerity and were plainer in appearance but no less attractive in content to the athletics public.   Note the following.  eg the Middle Distance Running AAA’s by J W Ll Alford (National Coach for Wales) is clearly a fore runner of the edition with Herb Elliott’s picture put out in the late 50s/early 60’s.   F.A.M. Webster was appointed by the AAA as coach from 1945 – ’48 and was succeeded by Geoff Dyson.   A few of Webster’s covers are shown here.




Some even bore the WAAA imprint –

Just as with the BAAB books there were booklets dealing with officiating, organizing sports meetings and so on which were frequently updated.


Graham McDonald tells us that this is the third edition of the book published in the 1970’s – the books all had information that you might find interesting inside the cover – eg when it dates from and pages two and three from this one are below.